Schezwan Hakka Noodles

Schezwan Hakka Noodles

Easy to cook, restaurant style schezwan Hakka noodles at home! Try our schezwan hakka noodles that will send your taste buds on a crazy and spicy journey. Chango’s schezwan hakka noodles are delicious to satiate your hungry with a mélange of traditional Indian and schezwan spices.

Qty. Price
180 gm. Rs. 39


How To Use:

  • Boil 10 cups of water till it bubbles.
  • Add the noodles and boil for 2 minutes.
  • When noodles are half cooked, drain the water and spread it out.
  • Add a tea-spoon of oil and mix well to avoid sticking.
  • Take 2 or 3 table spoon oil in a pan and stir fry chopped vegetables of your choice (carrot, cabbage, onion, capsicum, green peas ) for 2-3 min.
  •  Add Chango Noodles along with Schezwan Flavour masala.
  • Toss Well.


  • 100% Vegetarian
  • Mix of Traditional Indian Spices, Herbs and Schezwan masala
  • Easy to Cook
  • Quick Snack
  • Weight 180gm
  • MRP 39Rs